Diseño UI/UX Archivos | Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps Somos la empresa líder en desarrollo de aplicaciones móviles para México, EEUU y LATAM. Fri, 13 Dec 2024 19:55:47 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.2 https://illantyp.sirv.com/WP_testsferea.sferea.com/2022/12/cropped-Sferea-icon.png?w=32&h=32&scale.option=fill&cw=32&ch=32&cx=center&cy=center Diseño UI/UX Archivos | Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps 32 32 How to Optimize the Operations of Your Social or Sports Club https://sferea.com/en/desarrollo-de-apps-en/how-to-optimize-the-operations-of-your-social-or-sports-club/ https://sferea.com/en/desarrollo-de-apps-en/how-to-optimize-the-operations-of-your-social-or-sports-club/#respond https://sferea.com/?p=8639 If you manage a social or sports club or are planning to then you understand how crucial it is to run your operations efficiently.

El cargo How to Optimize the Operations of Your Social or Sports Club apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.


How to Optimize the Operations of Your Social or Sports Club

If you manage a social or sports club or are planning to then you understand how crucial it is to run your operations efficiently.

Si estás a cargo de un club social o deportivo, o planeas gestionar uno, sabes lo importante que es mantener una operación eficiente para asegurar la satisfacción de tus socios y aumentar tus ingresos. Dada la rápida evolución de la tecnología y las crecientes expectativas de los miembros, digitalizar ciertos procesos se ha convertido en una necesidad más que en una opción, para mantener la competitividad.

A continuación, te compartimos algunos consejos prácticos que te ayudarán a optimizar el funcionamiento de tu club y mejorar la retención de miembros durante todo el año.

1.Digitaliza los procesos de reservación

Una de las principales frustraciones de los socios suele ser no poder hacer sus reservaciones de manera rápida y fácil. Todos hemos vivido el estrés de esperar en filas, hacer trámites presenciales o llegar al club y darnos cuenta de que no hay espacio disponible. Lo bueno es que esto tiene solución. Las reservaciones no solo te permiten gestionar mejor los espacios, sino también evitar aglomeraciones, tener un control sobre el acceso, optimizar el servicio en restaurantes y obtener datos valiosos para tomar decisiones estratégicas.

Aquí te dejo unos consejos para mejorar la gestión de las reservaciones en tu club:

  • Permite reservas desde cualquier lugar: Los socios ya están acostumbrados a usar sus celulares para todo. ¿Por qué no aprovecharlo para que puedan consultar la disponibilidad y hacer sus reservas con facilidad? Esto les ahorrará tiempo y hará que la experiencia sea mucho más cómoda.
  • Evita conflictos por dobles reservaciones: Con tantas personas, es común que surjan reservas duplicadas, lo que puede generar molestias. Un sistema automatizado se encarga de evitar estos errores, manteniendo todo organizado y funcionando sin problemas.
  • Actualiza la disponibilidad en tiempo real: Cuando se hace una reserva o se cancela, el sistema actualiza la disponibilidad de inmediato. Así, el espacio queda libre para otros socios interesados, sin perder ingresos ni tiempo.

2. Mejora la experiencia de tus socios

Los clubes sociales y deportivos no son solo espacios para hacer ejercicio o socializar, sino que representan una experiencia compartida con la familia y amigos. Algunos clubes, como el tuyo, ofrecen pases para que los miembros puedan invitar a otros a disfrutar de sus instalaciones en ocasiones especiales. La forma en que gestionas este servicio puede marcar una gran diferencia en la experiencia de tus socios.

Imagina ofrecerles la posibilidad de generar invitaciones o pases digitales sin necesidad de acudir presencialmente o esperar a que alguien lo registre por ellos. Esta simplicidad no solo mejora la experiencia, sino que empodera a los miembros, permitiéndoles ser dueños de su tiempo y acceso.

Los servicios como estos pueden ser altamente atractivos para los miembros actuales y futuros. Por ejemplo:

  • App para gestionar pases digitales: Al permitir que tus socios creen y compartan pases desde sus teléfonos móviles, no solo facilitas el acceso, sino que también ofreces un proceso ágil y personalizado. Los invitados se sentirán bien atendidos, y quienes experimenten la facilidad de este servicio podrían convertirse en futuros miembros.
  • Notificaciones sobre eventos, promociones y actividades: Mantén a tus miembros informados en todo momento. Saber que sus pases están habilitados o que hay espacio disponible para reservar actividades o mesas en el restaurante del club a través de notificaciones automáticas incrementa su satisfacción y fidelidad.

3.  Ofrece la seguridad que tus socios y miembros del club buscan

La seguridad es uno de los factores más importantes para que tus socios se sientan cómodos y tranquilos en tu club, pero no solo se trata de controlar el acceso de tus miembros, sino también de gestionar a las personas externas, como proveedores, visitas o invitados. Realizar este control de manera manual puede generar retrasos y complicaciones, afectando la experiencia de todos.

Una buena opción es implementar pases digitales para visitantes, que sean fáciles de supervisar y permitan gestionar de manera eficiente los horarios de entrada y salida. Esto te da un mejor control sobre quién entra, a qué hora, y por cuánto tiempo permanecen en el club, todo sin interrumpir el flujo de los socios.

Además, tener un historial digital de ingresos te permite identificar patrones de entrada, lo que no solo mejora la seguridad, sino que también ayuda a prevenir posibles irregularidades. Conocer el flujo de personas en tu club y cuándo y con qué frecuencia ingresan te da mayor control y reduce riesgos.

4.  Permite un acceso a métodos de pago más eficientes y seguros 

La gestión de pagos puede convertirse en un desafío si no cuentas con un sistema eficiente. En muchos clubes sociales, deportivos o gimnasios, los métodos de pago presenciales todavía son comunes. Aunque en su momento fueron la norma, hoy en día, con tantas herramientas digitales disponibles, ¿quién quiere perder tiempo en filas o hacer trámites manuales?

Implementar métodos de pago digitales a través de una app no solo facilita la vida de tus socios, sino que también mejora significativamente su experiencia al interactuar con el club. Algunos beneficios clave incluyen:

  • Mayor conveniencia: Los socios pueden pagar sus membresías o clases adicionales desde la comodidad de su casa o incluso mientras están en movimiento. Esto elimina el estrés de tener que acudir físicamente al club para realizar el pago.
  • Pagos rápidos y seguros: La integración de plataformas confiables garantiza que las transacciones se realicen de manera inmediata y con la seguridad que tus miembros esperan.
  • Flexibilidad en las opciones: Ofrecer diferentes métodos de pago (tarjeta, transferencia, monederos electrónicos, etc.) permite a los socios elegir la opción que mejor se adapte a sus necesidades.
  • Gestión inteligente: Los pagos digitales facilitan la generación de reportes automáticos que te ayudan a monitorear tus ingresos, identificar tendencias y tomar decisiones informadas para el crecimiento de tu club.

Las apps moviles como una herramienta fundamental para la optimización de tu club deportivo

El uso de aplicaciones móviles en clubes deportivos y sociales no es solo una tendencia, sino una herramienta clave para mejorar la experiencia de los miembros, agilizar operaciones y mantener la competitividad. Estudios recientes indican que el mercado global de aplicaciones móviles alcanzará ingresos de 935 mil millones de dólares en 2024  demostrando su papel central en las interacciones diarias y la gestión empresarial.

Implementar una app no solo facilita procesos como reservas, pagos y control de accesos, sino que también crea una experiencia más personalizada y fluida para los socios, aumentando su satisfacción y lealtad. En un mundo donde más del 93% de los usuarios de internet utiliza aplicaciones regularmente, adoptar estas soluciones no es solo una mejora, sino una necesidad para adaptarse a las expectativas actuales.

Una app puede ser la diferencia entre una administración tradicional y una operación moderna que conecta realmente con tus miembros. El momento de innovar es ahora. Te invitamos a conocer Clubity App, nuestra solución desarrollada en Sferea que reúne todas estas funcionalidades en una plataforma intuitiva y efectiva. 

Solicita una demo gratis y descubre cómo podemos ayudarte a impulsar a tu club social y deportivo: Conoce Clubity

En Sferea aprovechamos el nivel de especialización y experiencia en el Desarrollo de Apps Móviles para Empresas que hemos adquirido durante más de 15 años dedicados a ofrecer este servicio, y ya sea que busques una App Nativa o una PWA, te acompañamos en todo el proceso de diseño de experiencia de usuario, análisis y desarrollo implementando las mejores practicas del mercado. ¡Cuenta con nosotros!

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El cargo How to Optimize the Operations of Your Social or Sports Club apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.

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Creation of the AMCO 2024 Merit Award-Winning App https://sferea.com/en/sferea-en/creation-of-the-amco-2024-merit-award-winning-app/ https://sferea.com/en/sferea-en/creation-of-the-amco-2024-merit-award-winning-app/#respond Wed, 20 Nov 2024 00:23:35 +0000 https://sferea.com/?p=8643 Sferea honored with the AMCO 2024 Merit Award: The journey behind the creation of the “CAROBRA Rewards App”, Transforming incentive management in the financial sector

El cargo Creation of the AMCO 2024 Merit Award-Winning App apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.


Creation of the AMCO 2024 Merit Award-Winning App

Sferea honored with the AMCO 2024 Merit Award: The journey behind the creation of the “CAROBRA Rewards App”, Transforming incentive management in the financial sector

Sferea honored with the AMCO 2024 Merit Award: The journey behind the creation of the “CAROBRA Rewards App”, Transforming incentive management in the financial sector

On November 14th, Sferea was honored with the AMCO 2024 Merit Award, a prestigious recognition granted by the Mexican Association of Communicators to initiatives that showcase innovation and significant organizational impact.

In the Digital Media category, Sferea, a leading Mexican firm specializing in mobile app development across Mexico, the United States, and Latin America, stood out for the creation of the “CAROBRA Rewards” app an incentive program designed to boost motivation and sales performance among CAROBRA’s workforce.

CAROBRA is a financial corporation with over 12 years of experience and approximately 1,500 sales agents nationwide. The company offers a wide range of services, including retirement funds, real estate, insurance, and credit cards, catering to both individuals and businesses.

Since its inception, CAROBRA has achieved exponential growth thanks to its focus on human capital development, customer satisfaction, and effective practices in internal communication and organizational culture.

Within this framework, the app developed by Sferea enables the company to efficiently manage its incentive program and communication efforts through an automated and user-friendly platform accessible to all its employees.

The challenge of transforming communication and incentive management at CAROBRA

The CAROBRA Rewards App emerged as a solution to the challenges faced by sales agents in managing their incentives. Operating in the field, they needed an accessible tool on their mobile phones that would allow them to access real-time information.

Prior to the implementation of CAROBRA Rewards, commercial advisors relied on fragmented systems that slowed down their access to performance data, commission payments, communications, and benefits, which negatively impacted their productivity.

The new mobile app and web portal developed by Sferea marked a significant shift, allowing sales agents to quickly and easily access their rewards and benefits, regardless of their location.

How did we achieve it?

The success of CAROBRA Rewards is attributed to the Sferea Power Methodology, our key tool that ensures incremental, efficient, and flexible progress in mobile app development.

We began with a detailed analysis to understand the needs and create a functional prototype; then, we defined the technical architecture and work plan during the Sprint Design phase. Development took place in weekly iterations, delivering continuous progress, while thorough testing at each stage ensured the quality and functionality of the final product. This approach sets us apart by combining efficiency, flexibility, and high-quality results.

If you want to learn more about our Sferea Power! methodology, visit: https://sferea.com/en/about-sferea/

Key Features of CAROBRA Rewards That Earned the Award

The CAROBRA Rewards app provides its collaborators with innovative solutions such as:

  • Reward redemption through points accumulated based on performance.
  • A commissioner ranking that allows users to compare performance and promotes healthy competition.
  • Detailed tracking of account status, sales, and commissions.
  • Access to an exclusive channel for receiving important company announcements.

These solutions are also easily accessible to users, thanks to the development of an intuitive, user-friendly, and highly functional app.

Boosting Corporate Communication Through Mobile Apps

Specializing in the design of mobile solutions for public and private organizations, Sferea developed the digital tool TicPin, which enables companies to motivate their teams, recognize and reward performance, and enhance internal communication. The functionality of this innovative platform is reflected in CAROBRA Rewards, which won the AMCO Merit Award for its impact and effectiveness.

Winning the AMCO Merit Award represents a recognition for Sferea’s commitment to excellence and the effectiveness of TicPin, the mobile platform that empowers collaborators and drives organizations to achieve great goals.

With this vision, Sferea will continue to develop loyalty and reward solutions that elevate the experience and productivity of users, taking its innovation to more companies.

Learn more about TicPin here: https://sferea.com/ticpin/

At Sferea, we leverage over 15 years of expertise in Mobile App Development for Businesses to provide tailored solutions. Whether you need a Native App or a PWA, we guide you through every step of the process, from user experience design and analysis to development, implementing the best industry practices. Rely on us!

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Ensuring the Success of Your Enterprise Mobile App.

There are no secret recipes to guarantee the success of an application, but based on our experience, it largely depends on how much value your app provides to users and the utility it offers.

Every factor matters, from planning, structuring, development, to launch-all play crucial roles that reflect in an attractive, practical, and functional application.

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El cargo Creation of the AMCO 2024 Merit Award-Winning App apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.

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Success Story: App CAROBRA Rewards https://sferea.com/en/desarrollo-de-apps-en/success-story-app-carobra-rewards/ https://sferea.com/en/desarrollo-de-apps-en/success-story-app-carobra-rewards/#respond Wed, 21 Aug 2024 19:22:25 +0000 https://sferea.com/?p=7089 Mobile applications like CAROBRA Rewards have become essential tools for the efficient management of incentive programs, communication, and commission administration. This article explores how CAROBRA Rewards enhances internal management by centralizing information in one place, improving internal communication, boosting sales, and increasing transparency in a financial environment.

El cargo Success Story: App CAROBRA Rewards apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.


Success Story: App CAROBRA Rewards

CAROBRA Rewards: How an App Can Boost Sales and Enhance Commission Agent Performance

Mobile applications like CAROBRA Rewards have become essential tools for the efficient management of incentive programs, communication, and commission administration. This article explores how CAROBRA Rewards enhances internal management by centralizing information in one place, improving internal communication, boosting sales, and increasing transparency in a financial environment.

It also highlights how the platform facilitates access to training and updates, strengthening team relationships and aligning goals to improve employee satisfaction and achieve success. CAROBRA Rewards not only simplifies human resources management but also drives the company toward reaching its goals.

App CAROBRA Rewards

The CAROBRA Rewards app allows commission agents to view their account statements, redeem rewards, track their sales goals, receive instant updates on payments and benefits, and access training courses.

The app’s comprehensive functionality facilitates more efficient and transparent communication, significantly enhancing user experience and productivity. Additionally, the app features highlights such as a commission agent ranking, personalized incentives, and the dissemination of relevant news, which contribute to greater motivation and active participation in incentive programs. With the ability to access information from anywhere via mobile devices, the app ensures seamless engagement. Continue reading to discover the success story of the CAROBRA Rewards app.

The Challenge

CAROBRA, a financial corporation with 12 years of experience in services such as retirement funds, real estate, insurance, and credit cards, faced significant challenges in managing incentives and communicating with its over 1,500 agents across Mexico. Existing tools, such as Excel spreadsheets and an intranet not optimized for mobile devices, presented commission and accumulated points information in a fragmented and slow manner. This impacted productivity and access to crucial information for the agents.

Why Sferea?

At CAROBRA, when seeking a solution to improve internal communication and the incentive program, we found the ideal developer in Sferea. With over 14 years of experience and more than 300 successful mobile applications, Sferea is a leader in the industry. Their methodology, Sferea Power!, ensures on-time and high-quality deliveries, giving us confidence in their capabilities.

From the first contact, Sferea’s sales team provided comprehensive advice, helping us precisely define our needs and objectives. Their experience in industries such as government, media, banking, and entertainment positions them as a versatile and experienced partner, capable of understanding the magnitude of the project and the app’s structure. Sferea’s ability to offer customized and adaptable solutions ensured that every deliverable met our standards and made a significant difference in our daily operations.

Our Solution

The CAROBRA Rewards mobile application was developed to overcome the issues of dispersed information and limitations of the existing intranet. Compatible with Apple and Android devices and linked to the web administration portal, the app allows real-time tracking of individual goals, direct access to commission payments and benefits, and a direct communication channel.
Some of its standout features include:

  • Reward Redemption: Allows agents to redeem points for various rewards, incentivizing goal achievement.
  • Agent Ranking: Displays the performance and ranking of each agent, fostering healthy competition.
  • Sales Accumulation: Provides detailed tracking of progress toward sales goals.
  • Account Statement Consultation: Allows for real-time review of account statements and commission details.
  • Incentives and Experiences: Motivates agents with personalized incentives and exclusive experiences.
  • Access to Announcements: Provides a direct channel for disseminating relevant news and memos.

Training Tracking: Allows for verification and completion of training courses, strengthening professional development.
CAROBRA Rewards not only optimizes incentive management and internal communication but also enhances the competitiveness and engagement of agents, positively impacting productivity and CAROBRA’s success in the financial market.


The implementation of CAROBRA Rewards has had a notable impact over the past 3 months. Participation in incentive programs increased by 60%, attendance at training courses grew by 15%, and sales rose by 16%. Additionally, 90% of agents actively participate in incentive programs, and HR department inquiries have dropped to less than 200 per month.
The app has improved internal communication and motivation, resulting in a 20% increase in sales performance and 90% of agents earning an average of three training badges for 2024. CAROBRA Rewards has been key in measuring the progress and impact of initiatives, aligning agent performance with the company’s strategic objectives.

Discover Success with CAROBRA Rewards: Your company can also transform internal communication, motivation, and productivity. At Sferea, we specialize in developing customized mobile applications to drive leading companies in Mexico, the United States, and Latin America. Contact us at 55 5658 9213 or email us at mobi@sferea.com, and let our experts help you create a tailored solution.

Mobile applications like CAROBRA Rewards have become essential tools for the efficient management of incentive programs, communication, and commission administration. This article explores how CAROBRA Rewards enhances internal management by centralizing information in one place, improving internal communication, boosting sales, and increasing transparency in a financial environment.

At Sferea, we leverage over 13 years of specialized experience in Mobile App Development for Businesses. Whether you’re looking for a Native App or a PWA, we support you throughout the entire process, from user experience design and analysis to development, implementing the best market practices. Count on us!

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El cargo Success Story: App CAROBRA Rewards apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.

https://sferea.com/en/desarrollo-de-apps-en/success-story-app-carobra-rewards/feed/ 0
Reasons Why an App Might Fail https://sferea.com/en/desarrollo-de-apps-en/reasons-why-an-app-might-fail/ Thu, 15 Aug 2024 04:56:42 +0000 https://sferea.com/?p=6487 Among the main reasons an app might not succeed are:

1. You’re only focused on positioning.
2. Because everyone else has an app.
3. Not listening to your customers.
4. Not consulting with an expert."

El cargo Reasons Why an App Might Fail apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.

teléfono móvil

Reasons Why an App Might Fail

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Below, you will find four main reasons why an app often fails to attract users and fades into oblivion. In our experience, the following factors could prevent your app from growing and achieving the success it should.


This is usually a luxury; in most cases, creating a mobile application is feasible once you are already established in the market. A common mistake mobile app owners make is transferring the same experience from their website to the mobile device format, which regularly does not end well.

The user experience is entirely different when navigating a website from a desktop computer—where tools are specifically designed for its use—starting with the large screen space to integrate functions, clicks, keyboard commands, etc. In comparison, a smartphone’s display format (portrait) is entirely different and reduced, requiring navigation interactions such as tap, scroll, and slide.

App stores are filled with useless apps that rarely stand out among great ideas that comprehensively fulfill the purpose of providing users with practical and innovative services.

If the app is not useful, users will think it’s not worth having, and they will prefer to keep that small amount of memory it would occupy on their mobile device, even if it’s the latest iPhone with the largest capacity. Therefore, if your application does not generate value or utility for your users, sooner or later, they will end up deleting it. An app that has been deleted is very unlikely to be downloaded again.


It is increasingly common for businesses to have an app, regardless of their industry, service, or size. This often leads to the grave mistake of thinking, “My business should have one too.”

Before considering transferring or expanding your business to a mobile application, it is important to honestly ask yourself if you really need it. Consider whether it will help you reduce costs in any operation, increase your sales, or truly add efficiency to your processes.

Another common mistake is thinking that an app will help you generate market positioning. Your application needs to provide real utility to your users; otherwise, it will just be another app at high risk of getting lost among the multitude of existing apps in the app stores.


Sometimes, CEOs or company founders may become blinded by their initial idea, considering it great, and thus avoid asking their customers’ opinions or analyzing the market to understand if the app’s functionality is really useful and necessary. This can worsen, even after receiving feedback, they refuse to listen.

This typically results in a regrettable failure. Considering second and third opinions will always help you strengthen your project’s purpose and functionality, especially when these recommendations come from experts in the field.


If you have already conducted a contest where various specialist providers participated and you selected the best, but once the project development begins you do not accept the provider’s suggestions, it will surely end badly. If your selection considers their success stories, outstanding certifications, the best methodology, sufficient infrastructure, and a talented team, you can fully trust their expertise.

This tends to be more common than it might seem. In our experience, we have encountered clients who are fixated on an idea, even though it is not always the best solution and does not add significant value. On the contrary, it harms the functionality and user experience, turning it into an impractical and confusing product for the end user.

As part of the process to achieve a successful app, you must be willing to compromise, especially on topics you are unfamiliar with, and take the opportunity to receive advice from subject matter experts. This way, you will be closer to creating a successful project.

At Sferea, we are leaders in mobile app development. If you are considering implementing a mobile application to grow your business, count on us. Send us a WhatsApp at +52 55 4574 5419 or email us at mobi@sferea.com, and one of our experts will gladly assist you.

At Sferea, we leverage our high level of specialization and experience in Enterprise Mobile App Development, which we have honed over more than 13 years of dedicated service. Whether you are seeking a Native App or a PWA, we support you through the entire process of user experience design, analysis, and development, implementing the best practices in the industry. You can rely on us every step of the way!

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El cargo Reasons Why an App Might Fail apareció primero en Sferea | Desarrollo de Apps.
