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Why does your company need a mobile app?

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According to statistics presented by Ditrendia in 2018, a Spanish consulting firm with expertise in marketing and sales strategies since 1995, people spend 80 percent of their time using mobile apps to access services and products across various sectors. As a result, the development of apps that help companies optimize their operations and increase productivity has become increasingly popular.

The rise in access to services through smartphones has led to a surge in mobile applications across nearly all economic sectors, from finance, healthcare, and manufacturing to entertainment and communication. This trend is not limited to large corporations but also benefits medium and small businesses by allowing them to manage their personnel, processes, products, services, and even their current and potential customers more efficiently and successfully.

But specifically, what are the benefits for a company to have a mobile app? Here’s what we can tell you:

Efficient Communication

Apps enable more direct, agile, and effective communication between a company and its customers, as well as between the company and its suppliers.

For example, delivery companies benefit from having an app as it allows them to provide immediate support to their customers and interact in real-time with suppliers to ensure timely and quality service delivery.

Increased Sales

A mobile app provides new opportunities for selling, attracting customers, and even developing new product or service lines. This allows the company to reach broader markets, stay relevant, and have more chances for expansion and growth.

Department stores illustrate this well. If we want a product, we don’t have to wait until the weekend. With a few clicks, we can browse the entire product range and make our purchases.

Competitive Advantage

An app offers users quick and easy access to company information, such as products or services, contact details, payment methods, and even timely and effective support.

This creates a competitive edge over companies without an app, as users are more likely to invest in services that save them time and money and make their lives easier.

Cost Reduction

utomating processes within a company can also be achieved through mobile apps. Human capital management, accounting, time tracking, development and training plans, and even crisis management are all improved by apps, which are seen as valuable assets for reducing time, costs, and enhancing productivity.

While these benefits and more are achievable through mobile apps, our recommendation is that each company has a “custom-made” app, meaning it should address the specific needs of the business and include truly useful and valuable functions for both the company and its customers.

Today, more companies are recognizing the benefits of having their own app, leading to a growing market for mobile app design and development. At Sferea, we have been experts in custom mobile app development since 2009, with a significant number of national and international companies trusting us and experiencing increased success thanks to our technology.

At Sferea, we are leaders in mobile app development. If you are considering implementing a mobile app to grow your business, count on us. Send us a WhatsApp at 55 4574 5419 or email us at mobi@sferea.com, and one of our experts will be happy to assist you.

At Sferea, we leverage our high level of specialization and experience in Enterprise Mobile App Development, which we have honed over more than 13 years of dedicated service. Whether you are seeking a Native App or a PWA, we support you through the entire process of user experience design, analysis, and development, implementing the best practices in the industry. You can rely on us every step of the way!

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